0 test Gnu Gloss.

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Description du Gnu Gloss :
The Gloss combines attitude and aesthetic and leaves you feeling like a boss. Understated glam, underpriced tech, and an unbelievably good time. The Gloss has a confident directional twin shape, friendly C2e contour, and a forgiving flex for fierce freestyle fun. Graphics by Jen Ament bring a little mystery to a board that begs for attention.
(Fournie par Gnu)

Prix recommandé : 370 €
Type. Freestyle Niveau. avancé
Tailles. 136 140 144 CM 148 Rayon de courbe. 8m Stance de référence. 18 mm Carre effective. 107 cm

Mixte (double cambre etc...)
Mixte (double cambre etc...)


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