DC Snowboards XFB series

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Description du DC Snowboards XFB series :
La Xtreme Fun Board est créée pour le rider de park. Mais aussi le rider qui cherche aussi le ride hors du park. La XFB a été étudiée pour un flex répondant et tolérant, la rendant exceptionnellement facile à rider et appropriée à tous les riders.
(Fournie par DC Snowboards)
TECHNOLOGIE : Directional Twin, Fluid Axis -6, SRS Seven Radius Sidecut, Dual Radius Tip&Tail, Stratus Core, 64.20 Bi-Ax, True Optic Base, Set Back Stance

Prix recommandé : 399 €
Type. All Mountain Freestyle Niveau. avancé
Tailles. 148. 152. CM 155. 157. 159. Rayon de courbe. m Stance de référence. 575 mm Carre effective. 1075 cm



4 Commentaires

Roxanne Relaxed in the Sun star, Justin Morgan is currently wnkoirg on a video series that will give you a weekly look into the life of a professional snowboarder. With his new video series, Justin plans to give you a look into the many ups and downs of professional snowboarding, whether it be injury, travel, the contest circuit or just cruising with your local crew. Justin Morgan is an extremely talented rider who seems to be a really relaxed and down earth, which leads me to believe that he will provide real and honest view of the way he approaches professional snowboarding. You can't ask for much more than that so stay tuned for more from the JM camp.

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Relaxed in the Sun star, Justin Morgan is currently working on a video series that will give you a weekly look into the life of a professional snowboarder. With his new video series, Justin plans to give you a look into the many ups and downs of professional snowboarding, whether it be injury, travel, the contest circuit or just cruising with your local crew. Justin Morgan is an extremely talented rider who seems to be a really relaxed and down earth, which leads me to believe that he will provide “real” and honest view of the way he approaches professional snowboarding. You can’t ask for much more than that so stay tuned for more from the JM camp.


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Aloha Kirk and Jenny! Great interview, great idea to do it in the first place. Hopefully this will allay any fears of friends and family that Kirk has been roped into something he hates. I think it’s great to see you two talk things out and come to conclusions you can both live with. You’re doing such a great job with your goals; you really are both to be commended for making the tough (ok sometimes not so tough, just less popular) decisions to live now like nobody else you knew so later you’ll be able to live like noone else you know! At your age, the decisions and lifestyle your choosing now could well lead to millionaire next door status, which would be awesome!! Thanks so much for sharing this; Jeff will crack up over the tiny house/Murphy bed thing because we’ve had the same conversation! Nice to *meet* you Kirk!

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