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Manifest teaser

Voici le teaser de "Manifest", le projet emmené par le regretté Aaron Robinson et son frère Jason, avec le soutien de Sam Tuor et Fun Bock Films.

La liste des riders et quelques mots de Sam Tuor, dans la suite. 

article Teaser

Voici le teaser de "Manifest", le projet emmené par le regretté Aaron Robinson et son frère Jason, avec le soutien de Sam Tuor et Fun Bock Films.

La liste des riders et quelques mots de Sam Tuor, dans la suite. 

"A few years back Aaron was staying at my house in Tahoe and he was hounding me about going with him to Alaska. As far as I could tell, he had no plan, nowhere to stay, a run down 86' Blazer, and probably little to no money. Though the idea of going to Alaska was very tempting, I couldn't see myself just bailing out of town like that. Aaron left and I didn't hear from him for a while. I wasn't sure if he made it, or where he was. The next thing you know, I started seeing these vids on the internet of him shredding lines and having the time of his life up in AK. From that point on I knew that when Aaron had a plan he was going through with it, no matter what obstacles stood in his way. That's why when he approached me about making a movie with Jason and him, I knew right away that I was on board, and that I was in for quite an adventure. It's been one hell of a winter! 

 -Sam Tuor"

Manifest, avec Aaron Robinson, Jason Robinson, Kyle Miller, Blake Paul, Alex Yoder, Skylar Thornton, Ben Lynch, Cam Fitzpatrick, Tim Eddy & friends.

4 Commentaires

elbujito Personnelement, j'aime bien.

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bornes merci merci enfin du back et pas seulement du jib a toutes les sauces .... c'est du lourd avec du bon son et une belle brigade..

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Anouck Grau Un hommage à Aaron Robinson parti bien trop tôt.
Son esprit comme son ride étaient incroyable.
Passion quand tu nous tiens...
Beau teaser

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MrVous bonne video

mais c'est moche de mourir si jeune, comme quoi quand on dit que le casque c'est pas fait que pour avoir l'air d'un con

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